Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

The Ole Degree: The Blind-Side Of Marketing

The Ole Degree: The Blind-Side of Marketing
A preview of coming attractions

The Olé Degree is a preview of coming attractions in the field of marketing. (Business Book)

A few hours ago, Bill Quest was as the top of his game in business, but he has just been shaken by a new reality in real time, and he has very little time to fix it. Regina, his new CEO, calls his latest bluff and gives Bill an ultimatum and perhaps, a clue. On his journey through degrees of enlightment, Mr. Quest gets a boost from some of the most unexpected people. Follow Bill as an ambiguous force threatening to end his business life tramples him. Stick with him as he brushes up against a solution, a solution that could very well do him in, too. Then, judge whether this is ultimately fiction or non-fiction. If you know Bill Quest personally, make sure he reads this book soon. Or if you know Regina, Sonya or Dahrmesh, ask them to read it too. We believe they will appreciate it very much. The discussion this long fable/short novel will create will be compelling and the application of this point-of-view may very well save your company.

"A dangerous marketing thriller!" Bill Quest


Click here to buy from Amazon

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